Sunday, 23 October 2011

Mama's Random Fluff n' Stuff

I recently decided to sponsor a couple of giveaways for the very first time.  I had a post on my facebook page inquiring whether I would be interested in sponsoring a giveaway.  I had never really thought about it before, but I decided that since I enjoy crafting, why not whip something up and support a WAHM?  I got right to work crafting this adorable headband, which will be given away at A Pocket Full of Sunshine Boutique in their 1000 fan giveaway.  The giveaway starts Monday, October 24 and will run for a week. 

After making the headband, I was feeling pretty good about my decision to donate to a giveaway, so I decided to get in on sponsoring another giveaway.  It was starting right away at Super Awesome Freeibies and Samples.  I had less time to prepare for this giveaway, so I thought about it and remembered that I have a small stock pile of hemp necklaces that I made a few years ago.  In my stock I found this awesome necklace to giveaway!

Within minutes of the giveaway opening, the entries started rolling in.  Along with the entries came so many kind comments like, "Definitely love this! =)" and " I LOVE this!! It is so perfect!!♥" and "It's a very unique piece, it reminds me of celestial bodies revolving in the universe.....WOW, THAT WAS DEEP!! ( But I really do like it.)"  The giveaway ends on October 25, and I'm super excited to hear from the lucky new owner of this necklace!

All of the kind comments I got about my jewelry boosted my confidence level, which inspired me to try something I've never done before. I decided to open up an etsy shop.  As you may already know, I enjoy doing a variety of crafts that range from sewing to crochet, and so much more.  I'll try pretty much anything, and when something works out great, I'll go on a crafting spree and make way more necklaces, headbands, hats, ect. than I could ever need or use.  I love sharing my work with others, so this will be the perfect opportunity to take advantage of my crafting sprees.

I definitely have fears, but I feel exhilarated.  I've been working pretty hard the last few days to get myself organized.  I realize that I'm taking on a lot, having only a month to go before I have a newborn and trying to get a business off the ground, however, I'm confident that with your kind words and support that I will be able to make this work.

In opening a shop, I hope to be able to forge new relationships with other WAHMs.  I'd love to hear your stories, so please feel free to post them in the comments section. I want to know how you decided to start your business, and about all the fears and problems you faced along the way.  I love hearing about how successful small businesses are built.

I think my favorite aspect about this new venture is the all the possibilities.  Above everything else, I really just want to love what I do.  I don't want to go back to a meaningless job in a few years down the line when my kids go to school.  I want to make new friends, create, and have fun, and be able to call it my job!

Thank you to everyone for your support!  I really can't say this enough.  If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have even thought about embracing this opportunity.  I look forward to providing you all with the very best service and handmade items I can!  Here is a link to my new shop, Mama's Random Fluff n' Stuff.  I will be stocking the shop randomly starting this week.  Please like my new business page on facebook to be the first to see previews, and to know when new listings and items are added.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Adventures in Crocheting

I have what I've heard people refer to as "Crafter's ADD."  I switch between different crafty obsessions constantly.  Last year I decided to learn how to crochet.  I watched some videos on Youtube to get the basics, then I used a couple free patterns and made a hat and set of thumb-less mittens for my then 8 month old daughter.  My next crochet project was to be an owl hat.  But then I got distracted by sewing.  Now I'm expecting a new baby in November and I want to make my daughter and the new baby matching hats, so here we go again!

I purchased this owl hat pattern from Inner Hooker.

I have to say that as a beginner, this pattern was incredibly easy to follow!  I made my daughters owl hat, now I just need to get on to making one for the new baby.  I hope to improve on my techniques with weaving the ends in and sewing on the features a little bit with this next hat.  I truly don't know what I'm doing, but somehow I was able to make an adorable hat anyways!

If you have been considering giving crochet a go, I highly recommend just jumping right in.  It may look intimidating at first, but you will be amazed at what you can create if you just try it!